Cleura Changeblog 1.2025

What we’ve Done

Storage classes

We have added the possibility to choose different storage classes for volumes, and volume backed servers. Both Cleura Public Cloud, and Cleura Compliant Cloud users can now decide between regular or encrypted block storage.

Kubernetes 1.31

We have added support for Kubernetes 1.31 in Cleura Container Orchestration Engine (CCOE).

Bug fixes

Cleura Cloud Management Panel

  • Fixed issue where creating a server from a snapshot under certain circumstances resulted in an error
  • Fixed issue where creating a server from an existing volume resulted in an error in some cases
  • Improved network validation when creating a server in control panel
  • Fixed issue with Gardener monitoring tab throwing errors messages for new clusters
  • Fixed issue where image upgrades in Gardener could reset auto scaler values
  • Fixed issue with dashboard monitoring component showing NaN values when user has no monitoring access
  • The “Check All” option on resource list pages is now back

What we’re working on


We are working on a new user management/authentication system to handle single sign-on for all Cleura Cloud services.

The OpenAPI Specification

A major benefit of using Cleura Cloud is the inherent interoperability aspects of our OpenStack-based cloud platforms, and our commitment to always look out for our customer’s vendor independence. Naturally, we are looking into the possibilities of conforming to The OpenAPI Specification (OAS).

Cleura Changeblogs are not published in a serial format. We won’t necessarily provide ongoing updates on projects or features mentioned in previous posts.