Cleura brand story

Cleura är nästa etapp på vår spännande resa.

Allt som vi har åstadkommit som City Network, våra värderingar och vår starka grund är en del av vår stolta historia som vi alltid bär med oss.

Vårt nya varumärke tar avstamp i vår rika historia och gestaltar vår vision om en ljusare framtid för innovationer, företagande och framförallt för människor.

Dear children of tomorrow.

Our brief slice of time is an era of fast-paced technological change and digital innovation. We are witnessing astonishing developments at a break-neck speed as the world around us is evolving faster than ever before.

It is now the beginning of the 21st century, and as our lives and businesses are increasingly moving into the digital space, privacy and data have become commodities. Efforts to protect our right to privacy are polarising the tech industry and governments across the globe, and many argue that privacy is a sacrifice worth making.

We disagree. We believe that there is a better way to succeed in innovation, businesses, and people without surrendering our fundamental human rights.
By building the European cloud on open source technology and focusing heavily on privacy and regulatory compliance, we are getting more and more decision-makers onboard with our fundamental view of the world. The idea that business transparency, no lock-in, and innovating freedom are sustainable ways of succeeding and doing business in the digital era.

Together, we ensure that the ongoing technological transformation doesn’t happen at the expense of the very people it serves.

The team at Cleura – The European Cloud.